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Posts by category
- Category: Blogroll
- The Essential Role of State Courts in Special Immigrant Juvenile Cases
- Correcting Course on Matter of Lozada: Insights by Rekha Sharma-Crawford
- Updates to the Schreiber Family Case
- A Six-Tour American Military Veteran One Step Closer to Being Forced to Leave the U.S. Choosing Daughter over Country
- Lawrence, KS Chemistry Professor, Syed Jamal, Wins Remand from the Board of Immigration Appeals
- My case is just like my friend’s……………No, no it isn’t. 5 immigration myths busted!
- A Six-Tour American Military Veteran May be Forced to Leave the U.S. Choosing Daughter Over Country
- Senators Blunt, Hirono and Representatives Adam Smith, Chris Smith Introduce Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2018
- Updates to the Syed Ahmed Jamal Immigration Case
- If you are not making your Immigration case a priority, you aren’t paying attention
- Civil Rights Activist and Lawyer, Valarie Kaur, to Make Special Appearance at One Community: Together in Solidarity
- Trump Administration Displays Disregard for Families and American Due Process with Abrupt Late Night Deportation of Indiana Father
- What to prepare for under President Trump/ Que esperar bajo el Presidente Trump
- Summary of recent guidance of Trump’s immigration enforcement plans / Resumen de la reciente orientación de planes de ejecución de inmigración del Trump
- Know Your Rights in Case of an ICE Raid / Conozca sus derechos en caso de una redada de ICE
- Sharma-Crawford Attorneys at Law Announces New Focus on National Interest Waivers (NIW)
- How you can help us, help you: Wise words from our star Administrative Assistants
- National Immigration Law Center Sues to Force Kansas to Disclose Information about Discriminatory Treatment of Refugees
- Legal Representation Crucial for Refugee Children
- Know Your Rights in Case of an ICE Raid in Your Home / Conozca sus derechos en caso de una redada de ICE en su casa
- Shining the Light on Immigrant Contributions: Stories from a Kansas City Immigration Attorney
- Building Safer Communities Through Mutual Trust, U and L.E.O.
- U.S. Ignores Refugee Crisis At Its Own Border
- An Immigration Attorney Abroad
- Six things to make your visit to an immigration law office easier, less scary
- LGBT Community Gains Acceptance in U.S. But Many Countries Lag Behind
- How Immigration Became Hate Speech
- Immigration Courts in Kansas City, Nationally Ignore Best Interests of Citizen Children
- Texas Judge’s Decision Causes Immediate Problems for Immigrants Nationwide
- The Border Security Myth: A Kansas City Attorney’s Take
- What a DHS shutdown could mean to immigrants; views from a Kansas City immigration attorney
- Mellouli, The Director’s Cut: How a Case About a Sock Found Its Way from Johnson County, Kansas to the Supreme Court
- Notarios May Try to Take Advantage of Executive Action: Advice From a Kansas City Immigration Attorney
- Central American Migration Has Subsided, But Issues Remain: A Kansas City Immigration Attorney’s Take
- Kansas City Immigration Lawyer’s Take on “Get to the Back of the Line”
- DACA Age Restrictions Lifted By New Obama Executive Action
- DAPA to Keep Families United By Providing Temporary Protection to Parents of Citizen, LPR children
- USICE Issues Guidance on Which Cases They Will Exercise Discretion
- Category: Editorial
- Infosys. Is it a Sea of Change for Businesses?
- 17th “This is my Mexico” Children´s Drawing Contest
- Piecemeal Immigration Reform is a Bad Idea
- Comprehensive Immigration Reform…The Time is Now
- Naturalization Test Preparation Resources
- Two Bites of the Apple
- Why are hundreds of students from India facing deportation?
- Navigating Through the Criminal Courts
- What’s the Fuss Over the Arizona Law?
- In Defense of the Criminal Non-Citizen
- How Immigration Effects Families
- Defending the Non-Citizen Client
- Representing Non-Citizens in Criminal Cases
- Special Conditions Merit Expedited Background Checks for Residency, Citizenship
- Category: Immigration Law - News, Recent Rulings and Victories
- When Opportunity Knocks, Answer the Door
- Supreme Court Reverses Deportation Decision for Possessing a Sock
- Sharma-Crawford Supports KC Courage
- DACA Informational Forum a Huge Success
- The Kansas Employment Crackdown: ICE Enforcement Actions
- New Americans in Kansas: Immigrants, Latinos and Asians by the Numbers
- Applying for DACA is Not the Best Option for Everyone…
- April First Friday in the Crossroads
- Judge Sends a Message With Withholding of Removal Ruling
- Michael Sharma-Crawford Joins Panel of Public Policy Symposium
- Sharma-Crawford Attorneys at Law Wins 25 Under 25 Award
- DMV Requirements for Noncitizens in Kansas & Missouri
- The Undocumentary – Documenting the Undocumented
- Repository of Resources for Undocumented Students from The College Board
- Don’t Miss the Running Solo Charity Fundraiser
- Applicability of Prosecutorial Discretion Memoranda to Certain Family Relationships
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process Statistics
- Social Security Number — Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals
- State Driver’s License Requirements – Deferred Action
- Deferred action to change future for thousands of young immigrants in KC
- Kansas City law firm gears up for large turn-out of immigrants in light of rules announcement and applications for deferred action for childhood arrivals.
- Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process
- Dream Act Informational Meeting a Success
- Dream Act Excitement Now Followed by Patience, Caution
- Gearing up for impact on young illegal immigrants seeking work permits under new policy change
- Current Ciudad Juarez (CED) immigration visa process.
- Nonprofit Law Clinic Opens to Serve Immigrant Population in Need
- Michael Sharma-Crawford Appointed to the Board of Directors for Kansas Legal Services
- Important AILA Advisory
- Kansas City Law Firm Finds Solar Electrical Power a Good Investment
- We Have Moved!
- New Kansas City Office
- Kansas City Immigration Law Firm Announces Move to Kansas City’s Westside
- Are You Ready for Your Appointment at the Consulate in Cuidad Juarez, Mexico?
- Sharma-Crawford Published in 2010 Kansas Annual Survey
- Sharma-Crawford Selected for “Visions of the World: India” Award
- Government Files Response to Samoan Diplomat lawsuit against Department of State, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Others
- An Important Message Regarding Haiti
- Samoan Diplomat files suit against Department of State, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Others
- Charges Dropped Against Samoan Diplomat, Citizenship Reinstated
- Are You Doing Your Non-Citizen Juvenile Client Justice?
- Immigration Law Written by Sharma-Crawford for Kansas Bar Association
- Sharma-Crawford Published in 2008 Kansas Annual Survey
- Some Deportations Illegal
- Circuit Court Denies Stay in Myrna Dick Deportation Case
- Seventh Circuit Court Asylum Decision
- Disaster on the Horizon: It’s Post-“Conviction” Time; Do you know where your alien client is?
- Category: News
- ICE didn’t show warrant to detain 12 at Liberty restaurant, manager says. Was one needed? (source: The Kansas City Star)
- ICE did not notify local law enforcement before detaining Liberty restaurant workers (source: The Kansas City Star)
- Approached about your immigration status? Know your rights. (source: KCTV5)
- Do Kansas, Missouri residents have to answer questions from ICE? We asked an expert (source: The Kansas City Star)
- Leavenworth considers prison cells for Trump’s mass deportation plan (source:
- Why immigration lawyers are worried about Trump 2.0 (source: The Times of India)
- Johnson Country Bar Association
- AILA Presents Rekha Sharma-Crawford with the 2021 Edith Lowenstein Memorial Award
- DHS Must Protect Immigrant Children Seeking Protection—Not Deport Them