Updates to the Schreiber Family Case

October 30, 2018 This petition was started to help the Schreibers. As of this date, the Schreibers still need almost 2,000 more signatures to reach the 50,000 goal. If you have not yet signed the petition, please click here to sign. Thank you Angie Ricono at KCTV5 for putting together this story of the situation […]
A Six-Tour American Military Veteran One Step Closer to Being Forced to Leave the U.S. Choosing Daughter over Country

Kansas City, MO (October 11, 2018) – U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Patrick Schreiber and his family are dealing with another blow in their battle to navigate the misalignment of U.S. adoption and immigration laws. Hyebin traveled from Korea at the age of 15 to live with her uncle and aunt Lt. Col. Schreiber […]
Lawrence, KS Chemistry Professor, Syed Jamal, Wins Remand from the Board of Immigration Appeals

Kansas City, MO (August 14, 2018) – The Board of Immigration Appeals has agreed with a Lawrence, Kansas Chemistry Professor that he should be given an opportunity to present his deportation case to an Immigration Judge. In its decision, dated Aug. 9, 2018 and received late yesterday, the Board found that “reopening is warranted”. The […]
My case is just like my friend’s……………No, no it isn’t. 5 immigration myths busted!

We see clients all day long, some have complicated problems, some are less difficult. Yet, what we see are that there are lots of myths about immigration processes. These common myths must be busted. While there are more than we can count, we thought we would start with 5. “Just explain it to me and […]
A Six-Tour American Military Veteran May be Forced to Leave the U.S. Choosing Daughter Over Country

U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Patrick Schreiber solemnly swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that he will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that he will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the […]
Senators Blunt, Hirono and Representatives Adam Smith, Chris Smith Introduce Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2018
WASHINGTON – Representatives Adam Smith (Wash.) and Chris Smith (N.J.), along with U.S. Senators Roy Blunt (Mo.) and Mazie K. Hirono (Hawaii), today introduced the bipartisan Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2018. The legislation would close a loophole in the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 (CCA), which has prevented internationally-adopted children, who are now adults, from receiving […]
Updates to the Syed Ahmed Jamal Immigration Case

2/19/18 – 3pm We hope ICE watches this video. No crimes, no violations of supervision, a father, a husband, a loved member of his community, the sole breadwinner with valid work authorization, a job to go back to and a stay in place. Keeping him in custody simply because they can. 2/18/18 – 3:45pm https://www.facebook.com/SharmaCrawford/posts/1720983931257182 […]
If you are not making your Immigration case a priority, you aren’t paying attention

You count on us to tell you the truth and to level with you. You have come to rely on our straight talk and no-nonsense advice. And you know that we will tell you the truth even when the truth is difficult to hear. But it is necessary if you have any hope of conquering […]
Civil Rights Activist and Lawyer, Valarie Kaur, to Make Special Appearance at One Community: Together in Solidarity

Kaur to appear at a collaboration of communities, leadership and faith aimed at overcoming the hate, violence and division pervasive in our neighborhoods. Kansas City, MO (April 19, 2017) – Valarie Kaur, civil rights activist and lawyer, makes a special appearance at the One Community: Together in Solidarity event on Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at […]
Trump Administration Displays Disregard for Families and American Due Process with Abrupt Late Night Deportation of Indiana Father
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 The Beristain Family is distraught this morning as the U.S. government conducted a middle-of-the-night deportation of Roberto Beristain, an Indiana father and businessman whose detention by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in February during a check-in appointment attracted broad attention by the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, South Bend Tribune, and […]