How you can help us, help you: Wise words from our star Administrative Assistants
Everyone gets stressed by having to go to a professional’s office. Doctors, lawyers, counselors all are places where people go when they are in crisis. Medical issues, psychological and relationship issues, and legal issues can have a debilitating effect on a person’s life. A question was posed, though, that which of these professions are the […]
The Border Security Myth: A Kansas City Attorney’s Take
The stories below are based off real client experiences. However, all names and specific details have been altered as a matter of privacy and confidentiality. Republican politicians continually state that the U.S. needs to secure the U.S.-Mexican border before Congress can pass any other immigration reforms. This statement may rile up conservative supporters but it […]
Judge Sends a Message With Withholding of Removal Ruling
Sharma-Crawford, a firm specializing in immigration law, recently won a significant victory in a pro bono withholding of removal case. When the judge granted our client’s withholding of removal, he also sent a message to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that it should protect its named witnesses in federal criminal cases. Immigration and Customs […]
Gearing up for impact on young illegal immigrants seeking work permits under new policy change
Michael and Rekha Sharma-Crawford expect their office phones to begin ringing today – and for weeks to come. Their Kansas City immigration law firm has been affected by almost every administration and court decision regarding immigration legislation over the past nine years. Today’s announcement by the Obama Administration and the Department of Homeland Security is […]